Tuesday, February 27, 2007

And the winner is ...

OK, so my prediction in my last post was wrong. I did say I was going out on a limb. And am I allowed to say that, when writing that post, I very nearly (I was *that* close) said that I thought The Departed would win, particularly because of the Scorcese factor? So, that's not what I wrote in the end, but I did think it ...


Nixter said...

I am glad he finally won one. But guess what happened? We set the video recorder for the Oscars (yes we are sad and tape it, or rather I am sad and tape it).. We set the tape to finish at the finish time BUT they ran over (I should have predicted this) and so I missed the BIG 4. Best actors in leading roles, best movie, best director. Hoe rude is that.

Anonymous said...

Oscars always runs late...this year was the first time I managed to stay awake for the whole thing!! I was glad Helen Mirren won best actress, although I didn't like the movie, I thought she was brilliant.

I was surprised Jennifer Hudson won best supporting actress. Have you seen that movie AndyM?? I was hoping the little miss sunshine would win it, but I liked Jennifer's thank you speech.